Anyone who knows us KNOWS how we feel about Fayla... We just love her with all our hearts... what a special girl she is! I LOVE the friend she is to BaeBae.... "I'm in the middle because I'm black..." of every picture... Heeee! Black is not just beautiful, it's undeniably GOR-GEE-OUS... we love you, gal!
I am just so BLOW AWAY at my daughter's talent, her maturity, her sense of responsibility and accountability, her faith, her intellect and her unconditional kindness to others. She is one of kind. There is NO ONE like her on the planet and I am blessed!! How was I so lucky to be her Mom? It's really awesome and GOD is great. This picture is perfection to me.
As I watch the trees changing into vibrant colors of red, russets, orange and gold, I am amazed at the beauty God puts around us. I am so busy sometimes that I don't take time to appreciate the canvas on which He draws each new season. Beth Easter sent me this picture she took of a sugar maple and I wanted to share it with everyone. As this holiday season starts to pick up the pace, I hope everyone can PAUSE and BREATHE in the sights, sounds and smells of this fall.